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Reading time 3 min

Cloud factory

Equipe de mediadores

Memories, an engine, water and soap.That is how Filipino artist David Medalla created the set of works entitled Bubble Machines. One of them, Cloud-Gates (1965/2013), is now part of Inhotim collection and goes on display at the park tomorrow, September 4.


Medalla moved to London in the sixties and founded the Signals Gallery, specialized in kinetic art. As an important name for experimental art, he introduced Brazilian artists such as Lydia Clark, Hélio Oiticica, Mira Schendel and Sérgio de Camargo to the European audience. Marcel Duchamp was enchanted by his work and rendered him an homage in the form of a sculpture entitled Medallic Sculpture.


In 1964, the artist created the Sand Machine, and ingenious production in which a motor drives a bamboo to produce random drawings and shapes in a sand box.Shortly thereafter, Medalla used participatory art to start showing his interest in political and social issues.In Stitch in Time (1967), the artist invites the public to freely stitch words and phrases onto a piece of fabric. This way, the public becomes part of the process to create the infinite, and dialogs with experiences that go beyond his own experiences.


Also known for his performances, whether telling stories, remembering tales or describing amazing scenes, Medalla will make an unprecedented performance at Inhotim on September 4, opening of the new works, including Cloud-Gates.


Medalla refers to his work as being atomic, seeking to reach dimensions that go beyond the boundaries of the work itself, adding value and experiences to be lived and shared by the public.


The artist has made the invite.Now all you have to do is plan and check it out in person!Click here and purchase your ticket.



Text by Renan Ribeiro Zandomenico, Art and Education Mediator and the newest admirer of David Medalla.


Reading time 4 min

Innovative business models

Luiz Othero

During the 10th Inhotim Environment Week, we had a workshop that gave us the opportunity to venture into the Business Model Generation, based on the Institute’s botanical and art collections. The Business Model Generation is a book that works as a practical and efficient manual on how to understand, design, test and implement business models.


Written in collaboration between 470 professionals in 45 different countries, the book resulted in a simple and assertive methodology that allows for creative and intuitive potential to emerge based on a visual language. Meawhile, it ensures a logical and rational structure, transforming the way business models are created, represented and communicated. The workshop was inspired by the publication mentioned and participants presented and tested the methods proposed by it.


In an ever changing world, we need tools that can keep up with the speed of the changes we experience. The Business Model Generation features a chart, referred to as Canvas, in which the nine elements that make up a business model are projected. As time goes by, the relationships that influence your business change, the scenario becomes favorable or unfavorable and, since nowadays this all happens at an amazing speed, and the Canvas allows for a prompt reconfiguration of your business model.


The following video briefly explains the Business Model Canvas:


We were privileged with the reflections we were able to absorb from the collections, as we worked the theme within Inhotim. The work True Rouge was chosen to be observed in the beginning of our workshop and, thus, it was the work that contributed the most with our inspiration process. Participants visited the gallery where the True Rouge is installed, expanding the boundaries of their creative potential to delve into an intuitive, collaborative and multidisciplinary process to generate business models. In several moments during the workshop, the reflections generated by the observation of the work would help learn new tools to generate business models, as well as expand participants’ reflection capacity and creativity.

Results were amazing. The atmosphere of trust was quickly established after reflections on the work were observed and shared, and creativity and collaboration appeared naturally throughout the course of the workshop. Participants were able to quickly absorb the content and start practicing right away.While the Canvas was being filled out, the doubts that came up were solved within the group, and the facilitator’s intervention was hardly needed. The Business Model Generation powered by Inhotim was tested and validated!


Learn more about this method on the Business Model Generation official website. There you can download the template of the chart used for the Canvas.

Reading time 3 min

Sharing Art

Redação Inhotim

Inhotim has just joined Google Art Project’s online collection. From now on, people all over the world can walk through the Institute’s gardens and visit the galleries and outdoor artworks. Although nothing replaces an on-site visit to the park, surfing through the collection, wandering around different routes with Google Street View, exploring over 90 works created by names such as Miguel Rio BrancoTunga and Carlos Garaicoa is undoubtedly stimulating. In addition, it is an important step towards democratizing access to art.


Besides high resolution images and texts about the works, the virtual tour holds a surprise for users. The work Celacanto Provoca Maremoto, by Brazilian artist Adriana Varejão, can be explored in details never seen before, since the image is available in gigapixel format, that is, one billion pixels. And it gets more beautiful every time you zoom in. 



Google Art Project Inhotim

Celacanto Provoca Maremoto, by Adriana Varejão, is available in gigapixel format.  


Overall, Google Art Project provides works from 315 cultural institutions from various countries around the world, eight of which are from Brazil. The collection numbers more than 6 million online items. Don’t waste any more time: visit Google Cultural Institute’s website and explore the project. Take the opportunity to choose the route of your next visit to Inhotim.