Days that seem not to go by
Good bye Inhotim
the Inhotim I knew before visiting you
was left
with those fragmented pieces of information
in those images of
colored illustrations.
The other Inhotim
the one I experienced for five days
is right here within me
with its tranquil strength
with the presence
of its days
that seem not to go by
and remain imprinted in me.
make no mistake
nature is art
How much wisdom was needed so that
the art we find there
was not phagocyted
by the multiple greens
inhaling the sky.
What about the resonance
of this superb nature
as we enter the pavilions
an echo of that which lives in them
is transported
outside with a new echo.
And the back and fro weaves
a harmonic tie
creating a magical state
which seems out of this world,
yet, with reality as a background.
the public as a binding agent
we are this public
boy, young, mature
sole receivers
recreating the world.
And all this strolling around Inhotim
brings a certain joy of life
that comes from the active relation with what
you are receiving.
with gluttony
we become
citizens of Inhotim
unconditional citizens.
So many things experienced with a
calm spirit but in a
fast pace, when details are put under
a telescope
and metamorphose
and they go by
and they go by us again
bringing small intense
that reconstruct
a whole, in motion
which is not perceived in its totality
that which is experienced
makes us think there is a whole there
that floats before us
that attaches itself to us
with that which we had seen with our own eyes
with that which we had discovered with our own feet
with a joyful effort
in a fast-paced morning
multiple facets of this whole.
Order inside the pavilions
order in that which is illuminated by the sun.
Undoubtedly, order
between a will and
great sensitivity
in a unique mind
and this is called:
Inhotim is an invented creation
result of a
unique visionary capacity
that works with what we call
together with that which grows from the soil
And this creator has a name and a last name:
Im honored to be able to contribute
with my small grain of sand in this creation!
Cachan, France
June, 2014