The garden and other myths
Since early September, Inhotim has shown the individual exhibit The Garden and other myths, by Romanian artist Geta Br?tescu. Occupying part of Galeria Lago, the exhibit gathers works produced from the 1960s to 2012, and shows a great range of the artists production and her perceptions on the female condition, as well as on the making of art itself.
Geta Br?tescu is currently 88 years old. She has studied in the School of Languages and in the Fine Arts Institute in Bucharest. As it happened in other dictatorships in Western Europe, the Romanian art scene was divided into the official art, aimed at State propaganda, and the productions that appeared outside public institutions, in a marginalized way. This was the context in which Br?tescu produced for three decades, and worked as an illustrator for cultural newspaper Secolul 20. Some of the works published back then can be seen in the exhibit.
Collages, lithographs, book illustrations, photographs, prints, tapestry, experimental films and video-performances are some of the techniques used by Br?tescu. At Inhotim, some of her works refer back to classical ancient times and Greek mythology. This is the case of Medea, the representation of the mythical character who betrays her family to live with her great love, Jason. When Medea finds out she was replaced by another woman, she kills her own children to revenge.
Like other artists, Br?tescu visited industrial areas in the country and used this context as a source of inspiration in her production. The circular shape of boilers, pressure gauges, and iron train wheels can be seen in several works, such as Circles (2012). Would the circle be a metaphorical principle?Could the shape of a circle narrate the ups and downs of the Romanian communist regime?These are but a few reflections that emerge from the artists work. Make sure to check it out!
Magno Silva, art educator at Instituto Inhotim