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Jardim de borboletas

Redação Inhotim

Elas estão sempre por lá. Passeiam tranquilas pelo Inhotim, descansando entre plantas e obras de arte. Dos mais diversos formatos e cores, as borboletas que habitam o Parque não estão ali por acaso: elas são sinal de que, no Instituto, a natureza e o homem convivem em harmonia.

As borboletas são bioindicadores naturais de qualidade ambiental, por serem sensíveis a pequenas mudanças do ecossistema. Por isso é tão raro vê-las em centros urbanos. Aqui no Inhotim, até hoje já foram identificadas 166 espécies diferentes vivendo no jardim botânico, deixando os caminhos ainda mais coloridos.

Considerado Jardim Botânico desde 2010, além de manter variadas coleções de plantas, o Inhotim desenvolve pesquisas botânicas em seu meio ambiente, uma delas tem como foco sua comunidade de borboletas. Pesquisadores do Setor de Gestão Ambiental do Instituto, em parceria com o Centro Universitário UNA, de Belo Horizonte, vêm realizando esse levantamento desde maio de 2012, no intuito de mapear as espécies frugívoras (que se alimentam de frutos em decomposição, sais minerais e fezes) e nectarívoras (que consomem néctar das flores e pólen) da área de visitação do Inhotim.

Além de contemplar o voo das borboletas pelo Parque, você também pode ir à Estação Educativa para Visitantes e conhecer a coleção didática de borboletas, todas capturadas no próprio Inhotim.

Viva a biodiversidade!

Butterfly garden

Redação Inhotim

They are always there. Flying around Inhotim, resting between plants and artworks. With various shapes and colors, the park’s butterflies are not there by chance: they are a sign that nature and man coexist in harmony at the Institute.


In 2011, the Institute was listed as a Botanic Garden, and besides maintaining different plant collections, Inhotim develops botanical research on its environment. One of these studies particularly focuses on the Institute’s butterfly community. In partnership with Centro Unversitário UNA, from Belo Horizonte, researchers from Inhotim’s Department of Environmental Management have conducted this study since May 2012, aiming to map frugivores (which feed on decaying fruit, minerals and feces) and nectarivores (which feed on flower nectar and pollen) present at the visitation area at Inhotim. So far, more than 200 types of these insects have been identified, some of which rare in the region.


In addition to scientific papers, the project yielded several developments, such as the Among Butterflies Theme Circuit, a tour that allows visitors to learn about how species are captured and identified, and also to learn how the animals are archived and displayed. “Our goal is to educate visitors on the importance of butterflies as a biological indicator for the environment and also unveiling myths,” says Cristiane Hubner, environmental assistant at Inhotim and one of the students responsible for the initiative. Also, an Photo Guide is currently being developed and there is a proposal for the creation of a butterfly garden.


In partnership with Cerâmica Oti – factory that operates in the Institute and produces unique pieces for Inhotim gift shops – also created a line of products decorated with images of different butterflies identified during the study. “These products are utilities such as plates, mugs, cups, cake pans and even jugs. “The visitor can take home a product that mixes art and environmental awareness in many levels, from the concept to the choice of nonpolluting materials,” says Lea Diegues, artist responsible for the collection.